The Trust is working to ensure that Mokaihaha’s ecosystem thrives and community wellbeing is strengthened. We want our 100+ kōkako to increase.
The aim of the Mokaihaha Kokako Trust is to ensure that Mokaihaha’s ecosystem thrives and community well-being is strengthened. We are working with local organisations and businesses, iwi, local government and the community. Pest control is being undertaken annually and volunteers are always welcome to help with clearing bait lines and
The Mokaihaha Ecological Area comprises 2,127ha of native forest and is situated on the southern end of the Mamaku Plateau. The reserve is the largest remaining remnant of native forest on the southern end of the Mamaku Plateau. Mokaihaha contains a significant population of North Island kokako, which is genetically important due to never having dropped below 40 birds (that we know of). A kokako census undertaken in May 2018 in the 848ha Mokaihaha West area (previously core kokako area), identifying 108 birds including 45 pairs. North Island kaka, both species of bats, kereru, falcon, yellow-crowned parakeet and whitehead have been recorded in the reserve along with more common bush birds.