Onepū Community Park

Around fifteen years ago Bill Clark noticed the local forestry company was about to plant radiata in a very wet area of about four hectares that was adjacent to the highway. He suggested to them that the area was probably more suited to a wetland than forestry- They concurred. A covenant was arranged, an approach to the Regional Council for funding was successful. Locals stepped up with tractors, spades, and enthusiasm. Onepū Wetland was born.

Over a number of years as the Wetlands grew so did the pine forest on the surrounding hills. A care group member observed that the emerging forest looked ideal for the establishment of biking and walking trails. A motivated team of mountain bikers/ walkers with forestry company approval set about creating a network of around twenty kilometers of trails which connected to an area of regenerating manuka/kanuka and to a DOC reserve with a small lake- Over a hundred hectares in total.

Over the years a huge variety of native species have been established- a full range of podocarps (1000 t) plus a beech grove a kauri grove. A selection of rongoa plants and a collection of rare and endangered NZ species. A recently installed counter is indicating the park has around 30,000 visits a year.

We at Onepu Park are delighted to be members of BCA and look forward to engaging with other member groups in the future.

Come and see us sometime!

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